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How to Protect Smart Door Locks From Cyber Attacks


Pragya ChauhanPragya ChauhanMay 15, 2024

Today, where digital convenience is paramount, smart door locks offer unparalleled security and control. They are widely used to safeguard residential vehicles and commercial buildings. However, they are not free from potential cyber threats.

Like any other gadget combining software and hardware, cyber criminals can hack smart home locks, compromising your digital privacy and home security. Unfortunately, intruders are constantly devising new methods to breach advanced safety systems.

As a result, cybersecurity threats have gained significant attention in the last few years. Almost all smart homes and cutting-edge devices are connected to the internet, housing your personal information and valuable data.

This shift moves the threat from traditional robberies' physical realm to the digital sphere. Understanding these risks is crucial to defend against them effectively.

Why are Smart Door Locks So Popular

Due to continual technological improvements, door locks have evolved into more innovative, safer, and efficient security systems. Even if you leave your door open in a hurry to get to work, a smart door lock for the main door can instantly fix this problem.

Smart Door Locks

A single tap on your phone ensures your property's safety and security. If you're expecting a visitor while you're away, you can share temporary access via the mobile app to keep your plans and schedules intact.

Remote-controlled door locks use advanced encryption and authentication techniques to put the power of home security at your fingertips. They also form a strong and dependable barrier against unauthorized access. While traditional locks are easily picked or bumped, these advanced options provide increased security.

Moreover, modern locking systems can work together with other devices, such as surveillance cameras or alarms, to create full security solutions.

Related Read: Enhanced Home Security with Smart Door Locks

Why it’s important to Maintain Security of Smart Door Locks

Smart door locks have become a key entrance point into people's digital and physical lives. They serve as a road to homes as well as a doorway to personal information. Even though smart lock installation provides amazing convenience, it is critical to understand that these devices, like any other internet-connected device, can be targeted by criminals.

Cybercriminals and others like them make a profession by exploiting weaknesses in internet-connected gadgets. Smart home door locks are not an exception. With the necessary abilities and knowledge of Wi-Fi encryption, these bad actors may break into these locks and pose major security risks.

Depending on the data stored and transmitted by your lock, this method may allow others to gain access to your home or read and download your personal information. The threat isn't just theoretical. Bad actors have hacked locks in both controlled security tests and real-world circumstances. These breaches can result in serious violations of privacy and safety.

What are the Emerging Cyber Threats Targeting Smart Door Locks

Before we get into how to safeguard smart door locks, it's necessary to understand the various cyber risks that target this security solution. Although Wi-Fi smart door locks have numerous advantages, they also become appealing targets for cybercriminals. Hacking attempts can severely damage our homes and privacy.

Emerging Cyber Threats

As a result, it's critical to be aware of these risks and take preventative measures to protect your property and loved ones. The following are the possible risks of attacking smart home locks:

1. Remote Hacking

Although traditional door locks require physical keys, smart door locks use wireless communication protocols to connect with other devices, increasing convenience and usability. On the other hand, even tiny flaws could jeopardize the lock's security by allowing attackers access to software or hardware.

Once the criminals have access to your smart door lock with a camera, they can effortlessly manage the door without being physically there. As a result, staying one step ahead of thieves requires regular firmware and software updates.

2. Malware & Ransomware

Cyber attackers can penetrate the smart lock's control system with malicious software, rendering it inoperable or locking you out of your home. To prevent this cyber risk, it’s advisable to maintain regular software upgrades while getting them exclusively from trusted sources.

3. Credential Theft

You may be surprised to realize that valuables and money are no longer the major targets for potential intruders. Advanced technologies have switched their attention from traditional physical profit to the digital realm.

Nowadays, thieves focus on stealing user credentials associated with digital smart locks. Among the most common methods they employ is phishing emails or malware to gain login information. To avoid this problem, use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication.

Also Read: The Importance of Using Professional Duplicate Key Makers for Home Security

Hacking Techniques and Their Impact on Smart Door Locks

Smart door locks promise convenience and robust protection. Yet, they are not immune to the evolving techniques employed by hackers. Let’s take a look at the most common hacking techniques and their potential impact on electronic door lock systems for home:

Hacking Techniques

1. Force Attacks

Force attacks involve guessing the correct password by trying all possible combinations. If successful, hackers can gain unauthorized access to the smart lock, potentially leading to break-ins or theft. While advanced locks provide the highest level of protection, weaker passwords may still compromise their efficiency.

2. Phishing Attacks

This technique involves tricking people into revealing important information, including login credentials and PIN codes. Usually, hackers impersonate trusted sources, like smart lock manufacturers or customer support, to manipulate users. So, awareness and caution are crucial in preventing this threat.

3. Wi-Fi Spoofing

Cybercriminals may create fake Wi-Fi networks to trick users into connecting to smart door locks. Once connected, they intercept data or gain access to the smart lock's network. The wisest choices to escape this danger may be using a VPN, verifying the Network Name, using Network Passwords, etc.

4. Key Fob Cloning

If your smart home door lock uses a key fob for access, potential intruders may attempt to clone it. While not the easiest task, it is entirely possible. Cloning allows intruders to avoid security measures and effortlessly access your property.

The wisest solutions in this situation might be the following steps:

  • Use Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Regularly Update Firmware
  • Protect Your Key Fob by keeping it in a secure location when not in use.
  • Monitor Access History

How to Protect Smart Door Locks From Cyber Threats

When it comes to protecting your home or business, smart lock installation can give both convenience and an extra degree of security. However, to guarantee that your smart lock is secure from potential vulnerabilities, it is critical to adhere to recommended practices for securing smart locks.

Protect Smart Door Locks From Cyber Threats

1. Firmware should be regularly updated.

One of the most important measures in keeping a smart lock for a double door secure is to update the firmware on a regular basis. Manufacturers frequently provide updates to address security vulnerabilities and improve the general performance of smart locks. By keeping your smart lock's firmware up to date, you can limit the danger of hacking or unauthorized access.

2. Create strong passwords and usernames.

Another important practice is to create secure and unique passwords and usernames if you’re using a keyless entry system. Do not use default passwords or easily guessable combinations. Instead, use complex passwords that contain a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Consider implementing two-factor authentication as an additional layer of security.

3. Secure your Wi-Fi network.

Since most smart door locks communicate over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, safeguarding your network is critical. Make careful to utilise a robust encryption mechanism, such as WPA3, and update your Wi-Fi password frequently. In addition, consider creating a separate network for your smart devices to avoid unauthorized access to your primary network.

4. Monitor access and user permissions.

Keep track of who has access to your smart lock system, and evaluate user rights on a regular basis. Remove any unneeded or old accounts, and restrict access to only trustworthy individuals. To ensure the security of your smart lock system, remember to revoke access as soon as an employee or tenant changes.

5. Implement physical security measures.

While smart locks provide advanced technological security features, it is also critical to employ physical security protocols. Consider reinforcing doors and windows, adding security cameras, and using extra security equipment like doorbell cameras or motion sensors to improve the overall security of your home.

By adhering to these best practices for securing smart door locks, you can improve the safety and efficiency of your system. Remember, proactive security measures are essential for protecting your home or business from potential dangers.

Must Read: 5 Best Smart Door Locks for Commercial and Residential Use in 2024

Bottom Line

In conclusion, smart door locks are an essential component of modern home security. As a result, understanding the cybersecurity risks they bring is critical. Staying informed and proactive is the only way to ensure your smart locks operate optimally. Prioritize frequent updates, vulnerability assessments, and professional check-ups to reap the benefits of smart locks while keeping your house and privacy safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How safe are smart door locks?

Ans. Smart locks can be very secure, offering features like fingerprint scanners and PIN codes. However, their vulnerability depends on the specific model and your security practices.

Q. What is the weakness of smart door locks?

Ans. Like any connected device, smart locks can be susceptible to hacking if not properly secured. Weak passwords and outdated firmware are common weaknesses.

Q. How can I make smart door locks more secure?

Ans. You can make your smart door lock more secure by using strong, unique passwords and enabling two-factor authentication. Keep firmware updated and choose a lock with a good security reputation.

Q. Are smart locks safe from hackers?

Ans. No, smart locks can be hacked. However, following security best practices can significantly reduce the risk of a successful attack on your smart lock.

Q. What are the threats of smart locks?

Ans. Besides hacking, physical tampering and lost access codes are potential threats to smart locks.  Ensure you have a backup way to enter your home in case of a lock malfunction.

Q. What are the Best Smart Door Locks In India?

Ans. The best smart door locks in India depend on your needs and budget. Popular options include Yale, Godrej, and Ozone, offering fingerprint, PIN, and app-based access.

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