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Pros And Cons Of Smart Car Keys


Pragya ChauhanPragya ChauhanJun 17, 2024

Smart car keys, a type of electronic key that allows remote unlocking, starting, and locking of your car, are becoming increasingly popular. They replace the traditional key by using radio waves or Bluetooth to communicate with the car's computer.

With many car manufacturers including them as standard equipment, these keyless entry systems offer convenience, but like any technology, they come with drawbacks. If you’re someone thinking of buying a smart key for your car, first read these pros and cons to help you decide if they're the right fit for you.

What are Smart Car Keys?

In recent years, there has been a significant change in the automotive industry, and the auto keys have also become more complex and modernized to offer security and comfort.  As a result, today, we have a keyless entry option. Smart car keys are electronic devices that operate a vehicle system using infrared lights with the help of an automatic remote control.

Smart Car Keys

A smart car key enables the driver to open, lock, or start the car through a discrete, encrypted signal through a key fob. However, there is a wide range of modernized car keys, each with its own operation principle. One thing is clear: these advanced keys are slowly pushing Traditional car key days to an end. With this, you’ll eventually think of buying a smart key for the car, Which is why learning its pros and cons is essential.

What are the Pros of Using Smart Car Keys

According to Mordor Intelligence, the Automotive Smart Key Market size is expected at USD 7.90 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 12.09 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 8.88% during the forecast period (2024-2029). The increasing demand for advanced safety features, convenience, and security in automobiles fuels this growth.

  • Convenience: One of the biggest benefits of using smart car keys is their convenience. If you have an automotive smart key, you no longer need to fumble around in your pockets or purse for your keys. Instead, you can simply approach your car, and it will automatically unlock it. Many smart keys can automatically adjust to your settings based on which key is in range. This is super convenient when there are multiple drivers for the same vehicle. It can also pre-set climate control. Some smart auto keys even allow speed restrictions to be set when used with a specific key, which is ideal for teenagers who are just learning to drive.

  • Improved Security: Many automotive smart car keys use advanced encryption technology to communicate with your car’s computer, making it much more difficult for criminals to steal your vehicle. They also come with features like remote locking and panic alarms that can help deter theft. Since the RFID signal sent between your vehicle and your key fob is unique to your car’s sensor, it’s incredibly difficult to steal a vehicle equipped with a smart key. Even if a thief manages to break into your vehicle and attempts to hotwire it, the engine will not start without the encrypted code from your key.

  • Remote Start: Many electronic auto keys also come with a remote starter feature that allows drivers to start the car from a distance. This is highly convenient on hot or cold days when you want to warm up or cool down your car before getting in.

  • Smart Car keys are a luxury:  Another big advantage of smart keys for the car is the luxury aspect. Although some cars still come with traditional keys, smart keys are becoming the norm, and the average car owner prefers a smart key. As mentioned earlier, they’re far more convenient than an old car key, and the ability to start your car with the click of a button is too cool to miss out on.

In short, smart car keys have several advantages that outweigh traditional car keys. They’re super convenient, safer for drivers, come with many advanced features, and are luxury items that any car owner would be lucky to have.

What are the Cons of Using Smart Car Keys

While there are many advantages, smart keys also have some drawbacks, including:

  • Smart Car Key Cost:  One of the major concerns regarding smart car keys, whether it’s a BMW smart key or a Honda smart key is their cost. Replacing a lost or damaged smart key fob can be expensive compared to a traditional metal key.  They often require programming by a dealership, which adds to the cost.

  • Security Risks: While convenient, smart keys are susceptible to hacking. Thieves can potentially exploit weaknesses in the car's keyless entry system to unlock and steal the vehicle. Techniques like relay attacks involve amplifying the key fob's signal to unlock the car from a distance.

  • Battery Dependence: Unlike traditional keys, smart car keys rely on batteries. A dead battery can leave you stranded, unable to unlock or start your car.  It's crucial to keep a spare battery or be aware of how to access the car with a traditional key (often hidden inside the fob).

  • Misplacement: Just like conventional car keys, smart key fobs can be misplaced.  While some smart keys come with features like phone connectivity to help locate them, losing a smart key automotive can be a stressful situation.

How Can You Protect Your Smart Car Key from Theft

After weighing the pros and cons of smart car keys, if you decide to try one, it’s crucial to take some points into consideration that will help you keep your key protected from theft and hacking. Below are a few tips to help you keep your smart key safe from threats:

  • Keep the key in a Secure Place: When you’re not using your smart auto key, you should keep it in a safe place, such as a locked drawer or safe. It will reduce the risk of leaving the key in the car and help you find the key when you need it again. Plus, it will reduce the risk of loss.

  • Use a Signal Blocker: Signal Blocker, also known as Faraday pouch, will block the radio signals that your smart key emits, making it impossible for thieves to intercept the signal.

  • Keep Your Car Software Up to Date: Another thing you can do to make sure that your car key is protected is to ensure that your car’s software is up-to-date to ensure that it’s as secure as possible. Car manufacturers regularly release updates that address security vulnerabilities, so it’s crucial to install these updates as soon as they become available.

  • Be mindful of your surroundings: The last tip here to keep smart car keys safe is to be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on your belongings, including your car keys. Even though pickpocketing has become less common in recent years this can still happen so having your keys in your front pockets or in a zip pocket can help keep them safe.


To conclude, smart car keys come with both advantages and disadvantages. If you are considering buying a smart key, it’s important to weigh the above-given pros and cons carefully to decide whether it’s the right choice for you.

For example, if cost is no issue for you and you are looking for an advanced keyless entry option, then considering a smart key might be a good option. Ultimately, the final decision will depend on your needs and preferences.

However, if you need some professional help to decide whether you should invest in these electronic keys, Contact Keyenzy. Our expert will understand what you really want and consult accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the benefits of Smart Car Keys?

Ans. The benefits of smart car keys include convenience (unlock/start with the fob in pocket), advanced features (remote start, trunk release), and enhanced security (no physical key to copy).

Q. What is the biggest problem with smart keys?

Ans. The biggest problem with smart car keys is their security vulnerability compared to traditional keys. Thieves can exploit weaknesses in the keyless entry system to unlock and steal your car through methods like hacking or relay attacks.

Q. Can smart keys be hacked?

Ans. Yes, while less common than traditional theft, there are methods to exploit weaknesses in keyless entry systems.

Q. What is the lifespan of a keyless entry?

Ans. The lifespan of a keyless entry varies depending on usage and car model but generally lasts for 2-4 years with proper battery care.

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