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8 Things You Can Do if You Lost Your House Keys


Pragya ChauhanPragya ChauhanApr 03, 2024

We all have experienced this. You need to start your car or get into your house, but when you reach for your keys, they're not where they should be. Whether rushing out the door or returning home after a long day, losing your house keys can be a major source of stress.

But the good news is it's a common problem with straightforward solutions. Take a deep breath and follow this step-by-step guide. It will help you regain entry to your home and restore your peace of mind.

Step by Step guide to tackle the situation if you lost house keys:

1. Double-check

Before you call the police or search for a local key maker near me, it’s essential to first double-check to be sure you’re not overlooking your keys. Wallets, messenger bags, and backpacks are usually big enough for keys to be covered by other items.


Dig through your bag and empty it if required to make sure your keys aren't hiding in a secret pouch. If you don't normally keep your keys in a bag, check all your pockets to ensure your keys aren't somewhere on you.

2. Mentally retrace

Because your house keys aren't where you expected them to be, mentally retrace your actions to identify where they might be.

Questions such as "When was the last time I used my keys?" Or, "What did I do with my keys after I last used them?" is useful. Check to see if the individual you share keys with has recently used them or if they have left them somewhere else.

Also, evaluate any changes to your normal routine that may have caused you to leave your keys in an unusual location.

3. Look thoroughly

Once you've made a mental list of potential locations for your keys, search them to see if they're lurking anywhere nearby.

Look thoroughly

Whenever feasible, return to all of these locations and examine them for yourself. To make your search more effective, consider these suggestions:

  • Be systematic, not frantic. When you look thoroughly once, you don't have to go back and inspect the same spot.
  • Always check the right location. Keys are frequently found in their designated area, even if they are not at the exact spot.
  • If you've time, tidy up the suspected places. House keys are often hidden in plain sight, such as under couch cushions, in a stack of mail, etc.
  • Ask workers. If you're looking for your lost key in public places like restaurants or libraries, check with management to see if keys have been turned in recently.
  • If you can't check all these places yourself, call your friends or family members to check for you.

4. Report (optional)

This is an optional step, but you can call or visit the local police to check if they've had any keys turned in. Sometimes, keys found on streets or in public parks are given to police and kept in a central location.

5. Use a spare key

If you're lucky enough to have a house key duplication near me, now's the time to reach for it. Sometimes, duplicate keys are hidden in easy-to-access places; sometimes, family members or roommates have them. If you can't get to your spare from your location, call someone who can, explain the situation, and ask them to help you out of your predicament.

6. Locksmith solution

At this stage, it's tempting to try a more dramatic or sneaky method of entering your home or car. Unless there is an emergency, you can save money and clean up by calling a locksmith.

Locksmith solution

A locksmith for house keys services is also your best option if you find your keys but are unable to retrieve them, such as when they are locked in your car and you do not have a replacement key. Expert local locksmiths can assist you in swiftly unlocking your home or vehicle without causing damage to your personal belongings.

7. Security Decision

Key makers don’t just unlock property in emergencies; they can also provide helpful advice about what to do now that your house keys are lost. In many cases, simply cutting a new key for the existing lock can be a good choice, and it’s usually the less expensive option.

And if you’re concerned about someone using your lost keys, changing locks is always a great option. Locksmiths handle this type of situation daily, so they’re a good resource when making this decision.

8. Prevent future woes

Even yet, adopting precautionary measures now, while the situation is still fresh in your mind, will save you time and frustration in the future. If you don't have a set of spare keys, have a locksmith make you some.

Prevent future woes

Keep these new keys in a safe but conveniently accessible location, such as your workplace or garage. Avoid more conspicuous areas, such as a mailbox or flower planter, as many burglars go there first. Losing your keys is never fun, but it does happen from time to time. When this happens, know that your local locksmith is simply a phone call away.

The Bottom Line

Not being able to find your house keys is undeniably a stressful situation. You can't enter your home without them. But, by following the above given 8 tips, you can quickly get in your house and make sure that everything is safe and secure.

And if you're searching for a local key maker for key replacement or to know the cost to rekey house locks to make your home safer and more secure, you don't have to deal with all of this on your own.

Keyenzy is there 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide you with all types of locksmith services. Feel free to contact us to know how we can help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can you replace the house keys?

Ans. Although you can't replace the house keys yourself, you can contact a professional locksmith who can create a new key for your lock, replacing the existing keys.

Q. What to do if you lose a set of house keys?

Ans. If you lose your house keys, it's best to search for them thoroughly. Retrace your steps and check common places where you might have left them. If you have a spare key, use that to gain entry, and if you're unsuccessful, call a local key maker.

Q. How do you unlock a door when you lose the key?

Ans. You can contact a local locksmith, they use special tools and techniques to unlock your door without damaging it.

Q. Do I need to change my locks if I lose my keys?

Ans. Consider changing your locks if someone has your lost keys, especially if you lost them in a public place. This will ensure your home security.

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