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Never Get Locked Out Again: 7 Foolproof Car Lockout Prevention Tips


Pragya ChauhanPragya ChauhanApr 01, 2024

Ever fumble for your keys in a rush, only to find your car locked? We've all been there. Car lockouts are an unwelcome surprise, especially at the most inconvenient times. But there's good news! With a bit of awareness and some simple preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of getting locked out.

This guide will explore 7 foolproof tips that every driver should know. By implementing these strategies, you can minimize locked-key mishaps and avoid the hassle (and expense) of calling the car unlock service.

7 Effective Car Lockout Prevention Tips

Car lockouts can be very frustrating and uncomfortable, leaving you stuck and late for your appointments. But, the good news is that there are a few simple yet effective tips that can significantly reduce the chance of finding yourself in such a situation.

Car Lockout Prevention

Here are some of the practical measures to prevent car lockouts and ensure a smoother driving experience:

1. Always Take Your Keys with You

As a responsible driver, it’s important to follow the first rule of the road – never leave your car keys in the car when you exit. It may sound like common sense, but all it takes is one moment of forgetfulness to create a major problem.

Imagine a common scenario where you slide the wheel, turn the key, and the engine roars to life and once you arrive at your destination, you set your keys on the seat and exit the car. In a hurry to get out, you forget to grab them on your way out.

This simple mistake can result in lost time, and money and potentially even put you and your vehicle at risk. Thus, always make sure to exit with your keys and never put them on the seat.

2. Use a Key Fob If You Have One

Using modern vehicle technology such as key fobs offers many advantages, however as convenient as it can be, there are still ways to end up in a sticky situation.

Key Fob

Many unintentionally lock themselves out of their cars simply by hitting the lock button on the doors before shutting them. Suddenly, what should have been a quick stop turns into a frustrating situation.

Don’t let this happen to you! To avoid an emergency lockout, always keep in mind that you use your key fob after you have stepped out of your car or even your key to lock your vehicle’s doors. This simple habit can save you a headache and help you keep moving forward.

3. Have a Spare Key and Keep It Safely

As convenient as it might sound to hide a spare key on the outside of your vehicle, the unfortunate truth is that car thieves have caught on to all of the best hiding places.

Of course, you don’t want to make it easy for them to steal your car, but keeping a spare set of keys in a convenient location is still a good idea. You can leave a set of keys at work for easy access during the day or store a set in your house for peace of mind.

Additionally, you can also leave a set with a trusted friend, family member, or neighbor. Whatever you choose, just make sure to keep your spare keys somewhere that is easily accessible to you but difficult for potential car thieves to uncover.

4. Keep Your Spare Key in Your Wallet or Purse

When we’re constantly on the go, it’s easy to forget about the small things, but one thing that we shouldn’t overlook is the importance of having a spare key accessible at all times.


A duplicate key tucked away in your purse or wallet can be a lifesaver when you’re locked out of your car. Therefore, keep your spare in something you usually take with you on the go that is not attached to your key chain.

5. Give Your Spare Key to Someone You Trust

Having a duplicate car key is always a good idea. One situation is to pass the responsibility onto a trusted friend or family member. For instance, it could be your spouse carrying a spare key for your vehicle with their own set of keys. And if you have children who drive as well, you can easily do the same for their vehicles.

Alternatively, you can also consider asking a close friend or neighbor to hold onto the spare key. Just ensure that whoever you choose is nearby and trustworthy. After all, it’s not worth risking your car’s security for someone who may not be reliable.

6. Use a Key Ring

Another basic yet effective car lockout prevention tip is to keep your keys on a key ring. By having a designated space for your keys, such as a key ring attached to your belt loop or in your purse, you establish a consistent routine that reduces the risk of misplacing or leaving your keys behind.

Moreover, using a key ring for your car key makes it easier to locate your keys quickly, saving you precious time and ensuring they are always within reach. By adopting this simple habit, you can significantly reduce the chances of being locked out of your car and maintain better control over your keys at all times.

7. Mobile Apps for Car Security

In the time of modern car key security, mobile apps have emerged as a pivotal tool among tips to prevent car lockouts. Many vehicle manufacturers provide these user-friendly applications that sync with your car’s locking system.

Mobile Apps for Car Security

You can remotely lock or unlock your car with just one tap on your smartphone. These apps often offer an additional safeguard by sending notifications if you carelessly exit your vehicle without your keys. Accepting this technology increases your ease and supports your defense against lockout scenarios.

Call Keyenzy if You Have Locked Yourself out of Your Car

Owning a vehicle can be a source of convenience and independence. However, every driver’s worst nightmare is getting locked out of their car. It can happen to anyone at any time and can leave us feeling helpless and frustrated.

But, if you find yourself in a car lockout situation in India, you can count on Keyenzy, a one-stop solution for all car key services.

With our 24-hour automobile locksmith, our experts will promptly arrive at your location ready to provide you with the help you need. For years, we have been serving and have gained an excellent reputation for our efficient and friendly professional services.

So, if you ever find yourself in need of a reliable and local professional locksmith service near you, don’t hesitate to contact us for 24-hour car key locksmith services and fast response times!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I stop my car from being locked out?

Ans. To prevent your car from being locked out, hide the spare key securely, use a key fob consistently, or develop a habit of double-checking you have your keys before leaving the car.

Q. What happens if you don't lock your car?

Ans. Leaving your car unlocked increases the risk of theft of valuables or even the car itself. Unattended unlocked cars are easy targets for opportunistic criminals.

Q. What causes a car to lock up?

Ans. Modern cars often lock automatically upon reaching a certain speed or when the key fob is out of range.  Malfunctioning door locks or key fobs can also cause unintended locking.

Q. Can I unlock my car with my phone?

Ans. Yes, some newer cars with keyless entry systems allow unlocking via a smartphone app paired with the car's computer system.

Q. Do keyless cars lock automatically?

Ans. Similar to traditional key fobs, most keyless cars will automatically lock upon the driver moving a certain distance away from the key fob.

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